If I had a magic wand
With all of the digital technology out there, I'd like to re-define what a community newspaper can provide.
Here is my game plan:
I'd select a story a day to cover with a print reporter and a digital video crew and post that video on the web site. We'd beat the TV station on stories as well as the dailies.
Next, I'd create a weekly podcast so people who are fans of audio books can listen to the by-lined stories in our paper. All you have to do is go to the web site and down load it.
Advertisers could have audio ads and we could produce video ads as well.
The dailies are too busy cutting back to want to go into this new territory. Local TV stations are set in their ways and radio stations haven't caught onto the podcast phenomena. I fact so many local radio stations across the country have cut back on their original programming, they may have next to nothing to podcast.
Re-packaging your content so consumer can pick the version that best fits their lifestyle is the key to growing your audience.
© 2006 by Gordon Michael Dobbs. The buck and the liability stops here.
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